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Domain name selection tips

Views: 13588 19 October 2007
Domain name selection tips

Choosing a domain name is a very important issue. In this article you will find useful tips, that will help you make a decision.

Have in mind the following tips:

  • Choose a domain name and proceed in the registration, before you even build your company. The sooner you do so, the better. You run less risk of someone else registering the name you've thought of. There are several cases that someone neglected to carry out the registration and therefore had to find another domain name.
  • The domain name you end up with, should contain keywords, i.e. climbing.gr. It must also be brief and easy to remember.
  • Ιf it is to get a domain which is consisting of Greek characters, choose names that are accented. e.g. "κοκορέτσι.gr" and not "κοκορετσι.gr"
  • If you are preparing for an international career, prefer a .com domain, or if you can not find it available, choose a .co domain name
    You might have great difficulty and thus get disappointed... You cany also try to find a composition which is consisting of two or more words. Just try not to use too many words.
  • Ensure that the registrar who will provide you the name has a table of management names and also provides services such as URL forwarding, email forwarding, etc.
  • Be sure to renew the domain name on time. Do not risk losing what you have built for years.

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