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Rules for choosing a Domain name

Views: 11967 05 September 2008
Rules for choosing a Domain name

Finding a proper domain name is very important for a company, if the buying public wants to visit not only the store but the company website as well.

Webart presents all that you need to keep in mind while searching for a domain name.

The basic rules that will help you choose a domain name are:

  • The domain name can only consist of alpha-numeric characters abc...xyz, αβγ...χψω, 0...9 and symbols "-"
  • The domain name's lenght:
    - with extension .GR, .EU should be up to 63 Latin or Greek characters
    - with extension .COM, .NET and .ORG, allowed up to 26 Latin characters.
  • This name can not begin or end in "-".
  • Spaces, "_" and "/" characters are not allowed.
  • If you select domain with Greek characters, prefer the word with accents rather without accents!

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