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What is Black Hat SEO and how does it affect the ranking of my website?

Views: 13103 22 September 2016
What is Black Hat SEO and how does it affect the ranking of my website?

After the construction of your business' website, the next step naturally involves Search engines: "when will my website rank among the top search results?" or "I'm looking for my product and I find my competitor instead of my own products" etc.

Then, the website's owner must have an agreement with a specialist who will undertake the service called "search engine optimization" or "search engine optimization" or simply "SEO".

Now is the time for best results in search engines

Below we refer to the avoidable way in the effort of increasing your website's traffic internationally referred to as "Black Hat SEO".

Search engine optimization in an unconventional way

Black Hat SEO is the effort to increase traffic on our website in an "unethical" way. This way of increasing traffic includes tricks such as

  • using too many keywords (keyword stuffing),
  • using "invisible text" in page of our site,
  • having counterfeit pages, designed to deceive search engines' algorithm (doorway pages), and 
  • creating excessive number of backlinks towards our website.

These "tricks" were usually unnoticed in the past. Today, however, unethical techniques such as the above are detected by the search engines,  punishing violators with exclusion.
Needless to say, the Black Hat SEO techniques is highly recommended to be avoided. What the search engines want from us is quality content and "honesty".

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