Projects » Web Development
Websites for the Federation of Bank Employee Organizations in Greece
O.T.O.E. Websites
Home page - O.T.O.E.
O.T.O.E. Website creation and individual secretariats
The websites of OTOE aim to inform bank employees about the issues facing the industry, as well as the actions of the Federation. Therefore, the main objective was the easy access to the content. For this reason, the most important information and links are presented in the header of the website. More specifically, over the logo are shown the social media, the rss, address, telephone, email and search tool. Next to the menu is the link for OTOE TV. The secretariats have been designed more streamlined, but in such a way as to refer to the OTOE central website.
O.T.O.E. Website design and individual secretariats
OTOE websites have all the necessary features of an informational website. On the web page of OTOE the main information is presented in such a way that it is easily accessible by visitors. The main goal was to easily access the content and instantly locate the information provided.
The logo led to the extensive use of blue color both on the OTOE homepage and on the secretarial websites. In the attempt to have a single profile, but also to have a clear separation between OTOE's web pages, each secretariat's website has a unique secondary color. The colors selected are influenced by the previous web pages, or by the cover sheets of the secretarial editions.
On page SEO
All websites of the Federation operate in a secure environment (https instead of http). Also, during the construction, all the necessary requirements for search engine friendliness were met.
OTOE Logo design
For OTOE's Web sites, Webart also undertook the creation of logos.
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